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Good news, the 1.15.0 release of the Platform is complete and is already being rolled out to live sites.

Thankfully, this was a lot more straight forward than the 1.14 release.  As a recap, the contents of this release is as follows:

Headline feature:

Drupal 9 logo
  • Upgrade Drupal core and all dependent modules to use the 9.4.x branch of Drupal. As a recap, Drupal is the underlying Content Management System (CMS) that the Platform is built on.

Minor improvements:

  • Fix an accessibility issue with the homepage featured content block, whereby focus is lost for one tab key press between the "Featured Content" image and the content item link.


1.15.0 is a security release, so all sites will be upgraded to use it prior to the 14th December 2022, so they remain secure.